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Interested in a Leadership Position?

CCCEAC is looking for passionate board members!

Our Mission

As an organization, the Contra Costa County Employer Advisory Council's (CCCEAC) primary mission is to:


  • Facilitate communication and support between EDD and employers to convey the services available, such as employment services, management aids, tax and unemployment insurance and other relevant information. 

  • Host educational seminars, workshops and events. 

  • Sponsor scholarship and community programs and projects.

  • Provide a forum for employers to network and share best practices.


For more details and/or to express interest in a position, please email the Board at

Board of Directors


Estie Briggs

Owner & Founder

Briggs Performance Consulting

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Alexandra Martinez
Vice Chair

Owner & Founder

AMV Business Solutions, LLC

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Marilynn Schuyler

Marilynn Schuyler
Interim Treasurer 


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Jeff Stemke
Co-Program Coordinator

President and Knowledge Management Consultant, Stemke Consulting Group 

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Anthony Colón
Membership Coordinator

Anthony Colón

Talent Acquisition Specialist (Northwest and South East Region)

Mygrant Glass Company

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Mark Soloway
Co-Program Coordinator 

Senior VP of Operations, SafeinHome

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Christina Aboud
Marketing Coordinator

Senior Payroll Manager &

HRIS Manager,

Mygrant Glass

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Duane Ebesugawa
EAC Coordinator

Employment Program Representative State of California, Employment Development Department (EDD) 


Andrew Saxon
Legislative Liaison

Of Counsel,

Fisher Phillips

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Kate Domingo

Katherine Helms

Katherine Helms
Immediate Past Chair

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